Well, that is the harvest finished though not without it's little drama. When the combine stopped unexpectedly the operator climbed down to see what had happened and found smoke pouring from the back. Faulty wiring had caused a fire which, fortunately, he was able to extinguish with the onboard fire extinguisher before it became a major incident. Another combine was brought in and the job finished before the forecast rain took over. The yield from the beans appears passable, though not as good as hoped. Beans can be an expensive crop to grow; blackfly was a big problem this year and required spraying twice. Obviously the bees must be kept off when this is carried out but, wisely, they don't go back in after that. It is our intention next year to site the hives temporarily in the field where the crop is growing so that the bees can spend less time and energy flying and more time pollinating.
We have not seen many kestrels lately. Voles form part of their diet and as these have been in short supply also this year perhaps that is the reason. On the other hand there has been no shortage of field mice so who knows? No shortage of wood pigeons. All they need is grain, and water to make pigeon "milk" to feed to their young. With plenty of grain about and water seldom a problem they can breed until October or November.
With summer finished and holidays over village social life picks up again. First off is a Fashion Show, to be held in Epperstone Village Hall on Wednesday, September 23rd Entry includes a glass of wine, doubtless an incentive to relax, enjoy the show and purchase high street brands at rock bottom prices. We can also look forward to the renowned Nottingham Goose Fair, taking place at the end of the month, from September 30th to Ocober 4th on the Forest recreation ground. Though the origins of the fair are historic you will find the present-day attractions very up-to-date, and probably the only goose in sight is to be found on the large Mansfield Road/Gregory Boulevard traffic island .
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